Friday, January 7, 2011


So I got 3 letters from Nic today!!!! I really needed that! It was totally a God send. I've been really down lately and missing him somethin fierce. I don't know how people do this. I really don't. Its been very hard, but I know seeing him will make it totally worth it. I'm so proud of him and I know he really wants this. He's going to be a wonderful Marine! Oh and he graduates in 63 days!!!! But who's counting.. lol. I'm so ready to see him and hug him and I know I wont want to let go!!!

Happy about the letters not so happy about my car! Dang thing broke today. Ugh. Hopefully we will be able to figure out what's wrong with it and get it fixed this weekend.

Work is well work. Lol. Its goin pretty good actually. It keeps me busy so I don't sit at home and miss Nic. Of course I miss him anyway, but being occupied makes the time go faster. We have a dog there I have totally fallen in love with! Too bad I can't have her. Pooey on that. Nic might throw a fit anyway... she's little and he likes big dogs... lol. But I loves her anyway! She kind of makes my day when I get to go see her and hold her!  :)

Guess I'll leave with that for now. Of course I will ramble more later!

Monday, January 3, 2011

Day Off...

So it's my day off! I am doing all sorts of things like laundry. Oh fun! lol. I hope I get a letter from Nic soon. I really miss him and don't like this not being able to communicate with him. I know its a normal thing, but it still sucks. I sent a couple more letters today. I found out its gonna be crazy expensive to go see him graduate. Oh wells. I'ma do it anyway! I hope to find out soon how many days he wants to stay in Cali so I can get the plane tickets. And figure out how many days I need to ask off of work. I finally got to go dancing this past weekend! It was tons of fun, but I can't wait til Nic can come too! So far the new year has started off fairly good. I'm thinking its only going to better!